First off, a big thank you to anyone who happened to purchase Escape The Car on the xbox live indie marketplace! The game did well, at least well enough to justify the development. I don't know if I'll be releasing any more games to XBLIG just yet, I'd like to look into mobile development next. Thanks again to Hyptosis for providing the artwork for it. Escape #6 (flash version) is complete and ready to be released, pending some sponsorship stuff.
Work continues on Territory War 3, things are coming along much more nicely this year than last. I put up an April Fools day joke yesterday with some fake announcements. One of the announcements was actually real, which was the Map Editor. Assuming we get the system working correctly, the idea is that you can create and upload maps to play against others online with.
Territory 3 will also have an xp/leveling system where you'll be able to unlock new accessories and weapon skins for your characters.
If you're interested in smaller updates feel free to follow me on twitter (@afroninjadotcom) or lurk around
See you at Pico Day!
Put Escape The Car on PSN and I'll get it. I'm not an Xbox guy.