Put out Escape the Office today: http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/632561
I released a version on Android and then to Addictinggames a little while back, but now I'm finally making the usual rounds with it.
I've been dabbling with flash less and less these days in favor of other platforms like Unity. Definitely have a big project underway- some days I feel like I'm biting off more than I can chew, but that remains to be seen.
When I do find myself working with .swfs I tend to stick with openfl + flashdevelop. A good combo for sure, but the technology is still young and prone to change. It's what I used to make Escape The Office so that it could be exported for both flash and android. I'm also using it for a client project on the side. It's much more clean and efficient (build times especially) but the cross platform support is dubious (particularly HTML5).
Also I've heard that Minecraft 1.8 will be releasing soon with enhanced support for character skins, so I'm going to try my best to update Skincraft when I get a chance.
You're doing Ohio proud, Shawn. Great game!